*I screamm..>O
Yups yupsss...Did you guys know Digi's plans for Iphone 4 was way more cheaper than Maxis??
Check this out..
iDigi 88 - RM 58
iDigi 138 - RM 88
iDigi 238 - RM 158
I could said that iDigi Postpaid Plans were super value for my family...Did you guys know that my daddy,my bro and me shared together a Maxis package total RM 131.25 per month even though we didn't spent so much every month...and my daddy was like..."Ermm..."..and for me..I kept sending sms wherever I go..THAT"S WHY.. made my mummy and sis thought I got boyfriend..=___="..*swt!
Let's compare the plans between Digi vs Maxis
iValue Plans for Maxis
and yupss..there're two pricing and payment options..
iDigi Plans
Hence...What's your choice right now? Digi or Maxis plans?..;)
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