Thursday, August 5, 2010

40。♥I did a fake plastic surgery..=x..

Don't be shocked guys..and yes...I just did it yesterday..=x..
I don't have a good looking nose,cheeks,lips and eyes..hence I decided to change myself with plastic surgery. just took me less than 5 minutes to get all done!..XD
Now,I'm going to show you guys about my result and the first picture that I'm gonna to show you guys issss......

..Scroll down...scroll down..

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- 1 -
I got a pair of big spark eyesss and small hand too!. *wow.@.@

- 2 -
I got my nose job..and now it turn into longer and straighter than last time..XP.
and I have thin lips too..@.@"

- 3 -
I fixed my teeth my teeth are small, white and straight too..^^"

- 4 -
I got my cheek implants too.!!!
NOW, I have more chubby cheeks alreadyy!..LOL..

- LAST -
Really OMG!? isn't it?..HAHAA

I know these pictures will make you guys sweat..
But,I'm just dying of boredom so just play with my webcam...^^"..tee-heee.^^.

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